
that help you push the limits of performance and efficiency every day

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Millions of segments

deliver high performance consistently every year, around the world

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Maximum versatility

through an unmatched range of diamond tools for all stones and concrete

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More and more value

delivered through high yield, lower power usage, and competitive pricing

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Cut through the widest range of materials
smoothly, precisely and economically

Every type of material has its own unique texture, hardness and brittleness. We have developed specialized diamond segments for a wide range of natural stones, concrete and asphalt, so you can achieve superior performance and great economy for each material.

From harsh punishment at the mines
To artistic precision at the architect’s command

From splitting large blocks of rock at a quarry to moulding the edges of a granite slab for a kitchen counter, every piece of equipment requires its own specialized consumables. Hi Tech offers diamond segments, bits and beads for a the full spectrum of cutting, drilling and grinding applications.

The science of saving
power, time and labour

With rising costs and rising temperatures, it has never been more critical to think about reducing power usage. Hi Tech’s high abrasion, low resistance tools don’t just save power, but optimize the effort, time and labour required per running foot. Here’s a glimpse of how we’ve have pushed power usage lower and lower though continuous innovation over the years.

From harsh punishment
to artistic precision

From cutting through reinforced concrete walls to intricate 3D engraving on natural stone, every application and every piece of equipment requires its own specialised consumables. HI TECH offers diamond segments, saws, beads, drills and tools for the full spectrum of splitting, cutting, drilling and engraving applications.

The science of saving
power, time and labour

With rising costs and rising temperatures, it has never been more critical to think about reducing power usage. Hi Tech’s high abrasion, low resistance tools don’t just save power, but optimize the effort, time and labour required.

A history of firsts,
and two decades of innovation

Hi Tech Diamond Tools was built in 2005 by a group of professionals intent on disrupting the historically complacent diamond tool industry with science and strategy. Hi Tech Diamond Tools has been a trend setter — from pioneering multi-layer segments in India, to bringing pathbreaking laser welded circular saws to market, to training and employing a large number of rural women at our manufacturing facilities. Our capability to innovate at a granular level, combined with our cutting edge German machines, are now enabling us to create superior solutions for the world.

We can’t wait to discuss your unique requirements. Connect with us now.

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